All frequently asked questions and information that I would like to you to have as well! This will just be a mix of ramblings from my head so, have fun.
What if I have other ideas but I like some of the jewellery listed in the Pre-Curated Designs?
That’s okay! Just contact me below, list the ones you like and I will get you in for your own very special Curation Design Session! This way you can use the jewellery you love without having to compromise on pieces!
Why does 14ct Gold cost so much?
14ct Gold Jewelry is an investment, the materials used are all sourced from the best there is, the time and energy that has gone into designing, making, and then using the pieces is something that I and all my suppliers have dedicated our lives to. Most of my suppliers Hand Make each piece specifically for you and so they have a higher price tag so that everyone can be paid fairly. There is no right or wrong way to start your journey in collecting 14ct Gold pieces. We can start with one, we can start with four. It is all up to you but I will be here every step of the way to help you find the best way for you to be able to have the pieces of your dreams!
Are my 14ct Gold pieces insured?
They sure are! All 14ct Gold comes with a Lifetime guarantee. You are covered for accidental loss for the first year and then after it is 50% of what you paid for the piece to replace it. You are covered completely for broken pieces for a Lifetime.
What happens if I don’t have suitable anatomy?
When you have purchased any of the Pre-Curated designs, I will contact you and get you in for an anatomy check and to go over the design before the pieces arrive. If everything is in stock, it will be 5-7 days before everything arrives. This gives us time to do checks and make a plan, as we won’t be doing all the new piercings at once!
If you are wondering about a piercing that you would like in general then book yourself in for a Piercing Consultation and we can check your anatomy!
What does the Curation Process look like?
From booking your initial Curation Design Session, from there we order your pieces in, book you in for your first piercing session! After your initial piercing session, I get you back in 4-6 weeks after for downsizing and check ups.
Can we do Curation Designs in Titanium instead?
This is an excellent question, while we can make an absolutely stunning curation for you in Titanium, it will not be able to be the same pieces. In size or design. Titanium is a very difficult metal to work with and so it is almost impossible to get those tiny dainty designs to work with Titanium.
Why are 14ct Gold Rings more expensive than most pieces?
Rings are something that a lot of people want, a lot of the times straight away. However, this isn’t always able to be the case. 14ct Gold Rings are expensive because they are Solid Gold, this means that they are not coated in Gold but actually completely Solid Gold, this takes a lot of Gold to make. The type of ring takes a lot of skill to make due to the hinges and also the size of the ring as well. If you have any more questions regarding Rings do click on the button below!
Can I come and see you for piercing help even if you didn’t do the piercing?
Of course, you can! I am more than happy to help you with all of your piercing and jewellery needs! If you have a piercing that is giving you a bit of trouble, you can’t get a piece out or you just want to upgrade a piece, I am here for you!